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Vamana Treatment

Vaman includes induced vomiting, which helps to get rid of waste products (vitiated doshas) from the body.

What is Vamana treatment?

The therapeutic procedure in which patient is advised to consume vomit inducing medicines to expel out the impurities of the body ,residing above the stomach is considered as Vamana.{Therapeutic emesis}.
Prior to vamana , the patient is advised to to follow strict diet, regimen and should consume medicated ghee as snehapana for a period of minimum 3 days and maximum 7 days to prepare the body for vamana. 

Vamana is indicated in,

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Psoriasis , other chronic and acute skin ailments.
  • Thyroid disorders.
  • PCOD.
  • Allergic Bronchitis , Chronic sinusitis and rhinitis.
  • Chronic headache.
  • Chronic Asthama and such other disorders.
  • Schizophrenia and such other psychiatric disorders.
  • Kapha Dosha related disorders. 

Benefits of Vaman

Ayurvedic Vaman treatment is meant for purification of the upper digestive tract. This is an important component of Panchkarma treatment and is beneficial in management of Kapha predominant disorders such as asthma, cough and Psoriasis. 

Not recommended (contraindicated) in case of  

Young children and those above 70 years of age.


Shree Sheelasampadana Mutt
Gonibeedu, Bhadravathi Taluk
Shivamogga, Karnataka, INDIA

+91 98456 34226
+91 89514 66640
College Hospital Shimoga:
+91 7259685135
Shimoga Hospital, Gopala:
08182 - 246 215


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